Thursday, August 16, 2012

Peach Sorbet

You know a recipe is good when you have to make it three times just to take a picture of it! I decided back in May when I made blackberry sorbet that at some point this summer I had to try peach sorbet. And I am so incredibly glad I did! It is the best sorbet yet. It tastes completely like fresh peaches and is refreshing and doesn't last more than a couple days around our house.

Since I now have an ice cream maker, I made the sorbet this time around with it. However, the other times I made the peach sorbet I simply used my freezer and a food processor. This freezer method requires a little more work, but the outcome was practically the same. So either way, you should be able to try this recipe! If you like peaches at all, then I know you will absolutely love it.

Peach Sorbet

4 or 5 medium to large peaches
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 light corn syrup
1 tablespoon lemon juice

1. Peel and dice the peaches. You will need about 4 cups of peaches. Combine the peaches with the remaining ingredients together in a food processor or a blender and blend until completely smooth.

2. At this point, you have two options. You can freeze the sorbet in an ice cream maker, but if you don't have one, you can do it by just using your freezer. If using an ice cream maker, chill the mixture thoroughly, for about 2 hours, then proceed as you normally would with the ice cream maker.

If you are using your freezer, then put the peach mixture in a stainless steel bowl or pan. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and allow it to freeze for 1 to 1 1/2 hours, or until the mixture is firm around the edges and still slushy in the middle. Transfer the sorbet to a food processor and process until the mixture is a uniform slush. Put the mixture back into the stainless steel bowl and into the freezer for another 1 - 1 1/2 hours. Repeat the process a least two more times at the same time interval.

3. Freeze the sorbet for at least an hour before serving so that it has the chance to firm up. Enjoy!

Source: Adapted from Annie's Eats, originally from Dinner and Dessert

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